Thank you for your interest in our congregation and church. First Parish of Bolton is a journey church, meaning that we are grounded in tradition but continue to evolve. Our people strive to learn more about God’s teachings. Many come from towns beyond the Bolton community to attend worship and serve the congregation. The congregation is a melting pot of Central Mass residents, religions and orientations.
Come visit us in person or online at 10:00 am on a Sunday or sign up for our weekly newsletter and get to know us as we’d love to get to know you.

What to Expect
As an interdenominational we value the many expressions of faith that exist in our community. Our worship is based on the Christian practices and traditions. Our special services include a Maundy Thursday service, Easter sunrise service, and one or two Christmas Eve services.
The majority of worship takes place in our sanctuary. Existing members and visitors are greeted and can pick up a bulletin for the service at either the front or the back of the sanctuary. We also offer hearing assistance devices and larger print bulletins. Some people may chat with friends or discuss a little ‘church business’ but when the organist begins the prelude, everyone falls silent and turns their attention to the wonderful music. The minister then welcomes everyone attending in person and via Zoom and the service officially begins.
The service is based on a Lectionary or scriptural passage, or major news events, secular holidays, or issues within the church (i.e., LGBTQ+ inclusion, etc.). Hymns and music are selected by our Minister of Music to enhance the theme of the service. For example, on Mardi Gras Sunday, we sing “When the Saints Go Marching In.” At the end of each service, we remain seated and listen to the entire postlude and applauds in appreciation.
When we are not worshiping in the Sanctuary, we can be found in Davis Hall at our weekly coffee hour right after service, on the front lawn or at our meditation area off one of the nature trails behind the church.
We periodically have Brunch services where we share food and worship together.
We have celebrated the Winter Solstice with a bonfire in the parking lot. We hold our July 4, Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day services at the town war memorial.
We are a fun-loving church family and welcome families of all sizes.
Come as you are. Our congregation’s attire ranges from casual to dressy. Please wear what you find comfortable.