Worship at the First Parish of Bolton feels both traditional and relaxed and is always engaging.
Our Worship Services offer the opportunity to reflect on our own thoughts and experiences while guided by beautiful music, readings and reflections that comfort, challenge and inspire us to make a difference in our own lives and in the world.
A typical Sunday morning worship service might include:
Words of welcome
Lighting a chalice, a symbol of our faith
Music, most often led by our organist, in the form of preludes, hymns and anthems from many different traditions
Time to share joys and concerns of the congregation
Meditations and prayers
Readings, ancient or contemporary
A children’s message
A sermon given by one of our ministers, a guest speaker or a member of the congregation
An offering, “to give to you what is already yours,” to support the church and our many outreach activities
A benediction and “Quaker Parting” — we shake the hand of the person next to us as a symbol of community and a sign that worship is ended
Communion, the sacrament of The Lord’s Supper, is observed on the first Sunday of each month. All are invited to participate, whatever their religious or faith background. The bread (gluten free) and “wine” (white grape juice in individual cups) are passed among the congregation.
Seasonal Celebrations
Throughout the year, our worship incorporates holiday celebrations, plays and pageants. There are special services at Christmas and Easter, usually enlivened by guest musicians. The sounds of jazz, rock, and even African drumming have been heard in worship. On “Mardi Gras” Sunday, we even throw beads from the balcony, a la Bourbon Street! Each summer, we travel to Old Sturbridge Village to have a traditional Quaker service in the old Bolton Quaker meeting house.

Other Special Celebrations
With its classic New England setting and elegant but simple interior, the First Parish of Bolton is a popular site for weddings.
Children of any age can be baptized or dedicated, or otherwise welcomed as a member of the Christian church as well as the community of our own church. Baptisms are typically integrated into the regular worship service.
Our Church is Accessible to All
Single level access to our sanctuary is found through the back entrance to Davis Hall (building connected to our church) where parking is plentiful.